An individual researching digital marketing blogs for guest posting opportunities, surrounded by analytics and marketing tools, highlighting a strategic approach to digital engagement.

How to Find Digital Marketing Blogs for Guest Post Backlinks

In the world of digital marketing, backlinks play a crucial role in improving your website’s authority and search engine rankings. One effective way to acquire quality backlinks is through guest posting on digital marketing blogs. However, finding these opportunities can be challenging if you don’t know where to look. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of finding digital marketing blogs that accept guest posts using advanced Google search techniques.

Understanding the Importance of Guest Posting

Before we dive into the specifics of finding digital marketing blogs for guest posting, let’s quickly review why guest posting is essential for your SEO strategy. Guest posting allows you to:

  • Build Backlinks: By contributing valuable content to other websites, you can earn backlinks to your site, which improves your search engine rankings.
  • Increase Visibility: Guest posting exposes your brand to a new audience, helping you reach potential customers who may not be familiar with your business.
  • Establish Authority: Publishing content on reputable digital marketing blogs positions you as an expert in your field, enhancing your credibility and trustworthiness.

Now that you understand the benefits, let’s explore how to find digital marketing blogs that accept guest posts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Digital Marketing Blogs for Guest Posting

Step 1: Identify Relevant Keywords

Start by brainstorming a list of keywords related to digital marketing. These could include terms like “SEO,” “content marketing,” “social media marketing,” and “email marketing.” These keywords will form the basis of your search queries.

Step 2: Conduct Advanced Google Searches

Use Google’s advanced search operators to narrow down your results and find blogs that accept guest posts. Here are some useful search queries to try:

  • “write for us” + digital marketing
  • “guest post guidelines” + SEO
  • “submit a guest post” + content marketing

Experiment with different combinations of keywords to uncover hidden opportunities. You can also use Google’s “Tools” feature to filter results by date, ensuring you find recently updated blogs that are actively accepting guest posts.

Step 3: Analyze the Search Results

Once you’ve conducted your searches, carefully review the blogs that appear in the search results. Look for indicators that they accept guest posts, such as a dedicated “Write for Us” page or a section in their blog guidelines outlining submission requirements.

Step 4: Visit the Blogs and Review Submission Guidelines

Visit the blogs that seem promising and navigate to their Write for Us or Guest Post Guidelines page. Here, you’ll find detailed instructions on how to submit your guest post, including topics they’re interested in, formatting guidelines, and contact information.

Step 5: Craft a Compelling Pitch

Before reaching out to the blog owner, take the time to craft a personalized and compelling pitch. Highlight your expertise in digital marketing, explain why you’re interested in contributing to their blog, and propose potential topics that align with their audience’s interests.

Step 6: Submit Your Guest Post

Follow the blog‘s submission guidelines carefully and submit your guest post according to their specifications. Be sure to include any required author bio information and links back to your website.

Example: Write for Us Page

As an example, let’s take a look at the Write for Us page of a digital marketing blog like On this page, you’ll typically find information about the blog‘s audience, content guidelines, and submission process. By studying examples like this, you can get a better understanding of what blogs look for in guest contributors.


Finding digital marketing blogs for guest post backlinks requires a strategic approach and a bit of persistence. By leveraging advanced Google search techniques and carefully analyzing blogs‘ submission guidelines, you can uncover valuable opportunities to expand your online presence and build quality backlinks. Remember to always provide valuable, relevant content that benefits both the blog‘s audience and your own SEO efforts.

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